F1 Manager 2023 - World league ranking
NEXT RACE: 2024-10-20


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Closure date & time: 2024-10-19 00:00:00 GMT+1 (Europe/Amsterdam)

World ranking

How does your country compare to the rest of the world? Only countries with 10 or more registered members are displayed.
C. Flag Country name # Min Max Avg
21 0 2105 700
Australia Australia13 0 2150 930
Belgium Belgium16 77 2139 1396
Brazil Brazil44 0 2202 1208
Canada Canada64 0 2388 1655
Croatia Croatia11 88 2078 1431
Denmark Denmark25 88 2228 1282
Finland Finland89 99 2561 1501
France France15 0 2083 1337
Germany Germany15 0 2129 1306
Hungary Hungary70 88 2430 1536
Italy Italy12 0 2196 1058
Mexico Mexico17 97 2344 1489
Netherlands Netherlands146 0 2356 1327
Poland Poland17 0 2001 883
Portugal Portugal48 126 2344 1509
Spain Spain129 0 2360 1522
Sweden Sweden62 0 2532 1563
United Kingdom United Kingdom127 0 2338 1248
United States United States39 0 2070 1136