F1 Manager 2025 - About F1manager.info
NEXT RACE: 2025-04-06

Japanese GP Suzuka

Pitlane closes in: 11 DAYS HOURS 28 MIN. 33 SEC.
Closure date & time: 2025-04-05 08:00:00 GMT+1 (Europe/Amsterdam)


The f1manager.info website is originally founded in the year 2000. It started out as a subsite to another site, only being accessible for a small group of friends (and friends of friends). This was developed as an alternative to using spreadsheets to keep scores. The game concepts, we still use today, were developed from here

In 2002 the f1manager.info domain was registered. We opened up for the public and in it's early stages we were very happy to have 80 registered members. Nowadays we have thousands of members, young, old, male, female and they come from all accros the world, they all have one thing in common though: All our members are F1 fans!

From 2003 onwards the game concepts are stable. Every year we try to tweak and tune on the rules and look for improvements. Although the game concepts are stable we have seen a lot of major overhauls of f1manager.info over the years. Every few years we do a complete redesign of the website. You can check out how we evolved over the years through the Internet's archive Way back machine.

By F1 fans for F1 fans

The site is build and maintained by F1 fans and it's there for F1 fans to compete against each other in an easy way. The game is free to play and we expect to keep it that way for a long long time. However the hosting doesn't come for free, therefore we use google ads. We don't need to get rich from the site, after all it is a hobby and like most hobbies it costs money.

If you like competing against family and friends @ f1manager.info and would like to support us, you could consider making a donation (or click on one of our ads every now and so often).

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Team behind

Jarno Giling (J@rno)

Founder, game concepts, moderator and coding.

Tim C (Tim C)

Co-Founder, user experience guru and graphics.

Edwin (Edwin's F1 Team)

Co-Founder, moderator, early days financial sponsor and site updates.